Wednesday 23 November 2011

What Nothing Looks Like, in Orvieto

We've been doing quite a lot of that "nothing" I mentioned in a previous post - just walking about, looking at things, soaking it up, resting when the mood strikes and eating simply. 

To use a religious analogy, it has been some days since our last confession, so this post serves only as confirmation that we haven't fallen off the perch and to share with you some of the deliciousness that is Orvieto.

Close-up shot of the counter of a little place where we like to enjoy the occasional plate of fresh cheeses and a glass of red to wash them down.

This is a wonderful local cheese called Burrata - it comes wrapped in its own little parcel tied with twine and unwraps to reveal a moist parcel of soft white cheese.  The outside is similar to mozzarella, while the inside is melt-in-the-mouth creaminess.
I almost managed to devour every morsel of this - the heart was willing, but the stomach was unable - it was a light, fluffy, cheesy polenta with a mixture of buttered porcini and other local mushrooms.  So good!
We dropped in to this little cave restaurant to have a light lunch, yesterday.  There was just one other person dining there.  We ordered a pizza and a calzone, with a little side salad, plus the obligatory couple of glasses of vino.  The waiter treated us like the most important people he'd ever served, the ambience in the cave was very romantic and the food was DE-LIC-IOUS.  Below are a couple of shots of our meal.

We've walked around the village a bit over the past few days; it's very pretty, as you can see.


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