Friday 2 December 2011

Orvieto Brass Band

I know this is out of chronological order, but it's taken me until now to get around to uploading this little video to YouTube.

Last Sunday, we were strolling along after our morning coffee stop and could hear the sounds of a brass band playing.  Ever intrigued by all things Italian, we headed in the direction of the music, to discover a small crowd gathered in the main piazza, watching a band of musicians, as it started to parade away from the piazza and down the main street towards the Duomo.  Naturally, we wanted to be part of the fun, so we followed behind the group.

Several minutes later we arrived at the foot of the Duomo as the band played on to its audience, now with the magnificent backdrop of the most beautiful building in town.  Some folks were clearly caught in the moment and began to dance, which was lovely to watch.

As the music was finishing, the priest appeared on the steps through the huge main double doors and gently shoo-ed people away from the entrance to the cathedral, so that the band could have unimpeded passage into the church wherein they were soon seated in pride of place at the front of the congregation.  Clearly, they were the guests of honour.  We don't know the significance of the particular occasion but we were pleased that we had been witness to it.


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