Tuesday 4 October 2011

Beggars and Bananas

You can't  go anywhere here in Paris without being accosted by beggars. They come at you in the Metro - some simply asking for your loose change, others with scribbled messages on scrappy bits of cardboard, and yet another using the novel approach of playing the piano accordian for the benefit of the commuters. The beggars are also at any location where tourists assemble and they have a variety of scams to separate you from your money. Today we witnessed a well-meaning gentleman being spat on by several young women after he tried to halt their attempt to extract money from two women in Montmarte. C'est la vie!

The other thing that beggars belief is the price of bananas. I have seen them today for around 2 euros/kg - and these bananas come from places in South America and Africa, and the cost of getting them here must be considerable to say the least. And yet here they are in all their firmness, ripe and ready to eat. The real questions are - why can't we have some bananas from South America and Africa, and why are our own home-grown bananas so expensive (cyclone shortages aside)?


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