Thursday 6 October 2011

This blogging thing

It's very difficult, when all's said and done.  I am already two days behind in the things I want to write about, but we've been so busy and in the evening before retiring for the night we are so tired that it's hard to summon the wherewithall (sp?) to sit and recount the day's adventures here.  Suffice to say that if you are waiting with bated breath for the next instalment, please know that it will come, it just may not come in the next 12 hours or so because here we are with a brand new day about to begin and I haven't yet written about Montmarte, Madeleine, Sacre Couer and the arrival yesterday of our darling Cookie!  In a way it would be good if the weather was AWFUL and we had no alternative but to sit indoors and write, but that isn't the case - we have been exceedingly lucky with the weather in that (despite lack of sunshine) we have had what I consider perfect "tourist weather" - the temperature has hovered around 20 degrees and it has been a bit overcast.  Some of our photos show azure skies, but David tells me that's a bit of trick photography on his part and it sometimes depends on the angle at which the shots are taken.

I will write again later.  I promise.


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