Wednesday 19 October 2011

Bo Palace: Anatomical Theatre

Padua University is the second oldest university in Italy, and the various faculties and campuses can be found all over the city. Of particular interest is the Faculty of Medicine where the original Anatomical Theatre can still be found in the Bo Palace, and only viewed from beneath as the structure is no longer safe enough to bear the weight of too many people.

The theatre was the first of its kind in Europe and consists of six elliptical tiers made of wood, with standing room for 300 students, all able to look down at the surgical action on the anatomical table below. The use of human corpses for such study was banned by Catholic Law at the time, so these procedures were done under conditions of great secrecy, and usually at night by torchlight. If there was a sudden threat of being "raided" by the police or authorities, the surgical table was able to be rotated to cause the human corpse to be hidden, and an animal cadaver revealed in its place.  When the students and the professor had no further use for the bodies, they were taken into an adjoining room where they were boiled until all the flesh was stripped from the bones, and in this way a new batch of students was able to study the human skeletal structure. All very interesting.

Padua University is also famous for the fact that the first woman in the world to obtain a university degree graduated from here and there is a statue of her in one of the darkened alcoves.  Given that the University was founded in 1222, it is interesting to note that it was not until 1678 that this event took place.

No photography allowed - attached photo of the Anatomical Theatre lifted from the internet.


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